Is your business not attracting enough customers, or attracting the wrong type?


The Empathy Map....

The Empathy map was introduced to me in a session i had with the Women's Business Station. I felt it was an amazing tool in really bringing clarity to working out who your ideal customer is.

I worked on this in a consulting session with my client recently, and we really got into the nitty gritty of where my client wanted to head with her business vision.

So... what's the benefit of spending time on creating all this information?

Example - So you decide to set up a business, (or are already in business) you are trying to sell your product or service, and gain as many customers as possible. So you advertise your business, send out e-mails, network, make phone calls, do social media boosted posts, send out leaflets etc.. you try every possible avenue you can to reach as many potential customers you can.. SO... how many hours are spent trying to reach all of these potential customers, of whom the vast majority don't buy?.

The BENEFIT of working on the Empathy map with a consultant is....

  • Reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the potential customers you should be reaching, allowing you to focus on the ones most likely to buy what your selling.
  • Alerts you to consider who can actually afford to pay for what your offering.
  • Delves into the vision you have for your product or service, and who you feel will most benefit from it.
  • Clarifies a specific market, in turn helping you to refine your offering.
  • Creates content that you can use to communicate to your customer, in a way that speaks to them, why they need your product or service in your life.
  • Defines parameters that you can use for paid advertising campaigns - ensuring your paid ads reach the people you want it to.
What you will discover throughout the process, is not only who will buy from you, but also who you WANT to sell to. More so if you are offering a service, the customer you are working with should leave you feeling great about what you are doing. If you are unclear about who you are looking to work with, then it's far more likely you will work with customers who don't align with you.

You can also work on the exercise at various points in your business journey, when you feel you need to re-focus on your ideal customer.

I love facilitating sessions that allows my clients the space and opportunity for their passion to surface, of why they started a business in the first place. I see so many business owners overwhelmed and over worked, purely because their focus is so vast. Creating clarity allows you the opportunity to use your time far more effectively. To reach the customers you want, providing you a far more enjoyable and rewarding business experience.


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